In 2021, the Oakley City Council re-established the Planning Commission as a separate body consisting of five members. Two seats on the Planning Commission will expire at the end of February 2025. The City of Oakley is accepting applications for these two seats through December 13, 2024, each for a two-year term, beginning March 2025. Current Commissioners may re-apply.
The Planning Commission is tasked with:
- Deciding on all matters referred to by the Zoning Administrator, Parcel Maps (fewer than 5 parcels), Conditional Use Permits and Design Review (when not a Staff level approval).
- Making recommendations to the City Council on all proposed development agreements, zone changes, zoning text amendments, adoption or amendments to specific plans or the General Plan, and other legislative land-use matters.
- Periodically reviewing the Capital Improvement Program.
- Approving, adopting, or certifying environmental documents, to the extent required under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), for any matters for which the commission is the deciding body.
- For matters in which the Planning Commission acts as a recommending body, it shall make recommendations concerning any CEQA documents in conjunction with its recommendations concerning the merits of the proposed actions.
Applications will be accepted until Friday, December 13, 2024 @ 5:00 PM. Interviews and appointment of the Commissioners are expected to take place by the Oakley City Council during its January 28, 2025 meeting. Applicants are highly encouraged to attend as the City Council may have questions of applicants.
Commissioners will be required to file the Fair Political Practices Commission Statement of Economic Interests (Form 700) and comply with all regulations regarding conflicts of interest. Commissioners receive no compensation for their participation. All Commissioners will receive ethics and Brown Act training in addition to training specific to land use and environmental law. The selected Commissioners should be prepared to attend the League of California Cities Planning Commissioners Academy in Santa Rosa, California, March 5th through March 7th, 2025. The City of Oakley pays for the Planning Commissioners Academy and related travel expenses.
Click here for the application. For additional information, please contact Kim Snodgrass, City Clerk, at (925) 625-7013 or