City of Oakley

Face Off: Special Effect Makeup Workshop

For Ages 12-18. Special effects makeup (SPFX Makeup) is a form of non-traditional makeup used to enhance features or simulate the appearance of injuries by using high grade makeup. Create either simplified looks or more intricate effects for zombies, aliens, or monsters. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced makeup artist, this crash course is designed to familiarize you with the fundamentals of creating realistic special effects makeup looks. You will be equipped with the skills to be able to recreate larger, more detailed pieces on your own. If you are into costuming, cosplay, Halloween or want to take your makeup skills to the next level, this class is just right for you!

Did you know that this year (2023), Oakley residents can receive a FREE class for each of their children? Bring your proof of residency to the Recreation Center to register. This discount will continue until funding runs out, so register early!

Online registration is available at

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