2023-2031 Housing Element Update

The Housing Element is the City’s principal guide for housing programs and strategies. It helps the City meet the future housing needs and priorities of our community. It will offer a way to ensure we have enough sites for safe, decent, affordable housing for our community. We are updating our Housing Element for 2023 to 2031. We invite you to take part in outreach meetings, provide your input, and stay up-to-date on our progress.

Get Involved

We will host a variety of community engagement meetings and outreach events for the Housing Element Update. These events will include study sessions, community workshops, and a community survey. Your input will help guide our policies and programs. Let us know what matters to you.  

Certified (by HCD) 2023-2031 Housing Element

On May 9, 2023, the Oakley City Council adopted an amendment to the adopted Housing Element that included optional amendments. On May 24, 2023, the City of Oakley received a letter from HCD certifying the City of Oakley 2023-2031 Housing Element as adopted with optional amendments on May 9, 2023.

Adopted 2023-2031 Housing Element

On March 28, 2023, the Oakley City Council adopted a General Plan Amendment to repeal the 2015-2023 City of Oakley Housing Element and adopt the City of Oakley Housing Element of the General Plan for the period of 2023-2031 in compliance with State housing law. The final approved Housing Element is linked below. A link to the approval resolution with a condensed version of its exhibits is also linked below. Please refer to the information under the heading “2023-2031 Draft Housing Element Update” for more information and links to documents from throughout the process.

2023-2031 Draft Housing Element Update

2023-2031 Draft Housing Element

On November 29, 2022, the City of Oakley received a comment letter from the California Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) on the Draft Housing Element. The City reviewed these comments, revised the document, and prepared the Revised HCD Review Draft Housing Element (Housing Element), which is available below. The Housing Element includes tracked changes from the previous version submitted to HCD in August of 2022. In addition to the HCD Revised Housing Element including tracked changes, to help the reader track those revisions, an attachment to the Housing Element that outlines the comments from HCD’s letter with responses from the City describing how and where comments were addressed in the Housing Element is also linked below.

Versions of the Revised Public Review Draft Housing Element that was submitted to HCD in August of 2022 and which is the document used for the tracked changes in the most recent HCD Revised Housing Element are linked below for reference.

Give Us Your Feedback

Your comments will help us revise the draft and you may submit comments throughout the HCD review process. Please submit public comments by email or mail to the following:

  • By Mail: City of Oakley, Planning Division, 3231 Main Street, Oakley, CA 94561
  • By Email: strelo@ci.oakley.ca.us

Scheduled Meetings

  • Currently None.

Past Meetings


The Housing Element was adopted by the City Council on March 28, 2023 with adoption of a follow up amendment on May 9, 2023.

Related Documents

Sign Up to Receive Updates on the Housing Element planning process by scanning the QR code or clicking the following link: https://bit.ly/OakleyHEsignup