Code Enforcement

What is Code Enforcement?

The mission of the Code Enforcement Division is to work in partnership with the residents and business owners of Oakley to promote and maintain a safe and desirable living and working environment.  Accomplished primarily through education, we seek to promote a community appearance we can all feel proud of and maintain property values by complying with city municipal codes.

What Is a Code Violation and why do we enforce them?

Our neighborhoods are the environment in which we live and raise our families.   Code violations are nuisances that cause blight and directly devalue, detract and degrade the quality of your neighborhood. Recognizing the importance of protecting the home environment, the City has adopted codes that govern the use and maintenance of private property.

While many of the City’s codes deal with private residential property, there are also codes that regulate the condition of commercial properties as well.

What Is Not a Code Violation?

Your valuable tax dollars are at work, and we want to expend our resources appropriately and efficiently. There are some neighborhood problems that do not fall under our jurisdiction. In general, we can act on behalf of the public at large – we cannot take action on behalf of one citizen against another. Also we cannot enforce CC&R’s (Covenants, Codes & Restrictions) associated with Homeowner’s Associations.   CC&R’s should be enforced through a neighborhood homeowners association, or a civil suit can be filed.

What Can I Do to Help?

Take a look at your property. Make sure you don’t have any hazards or potential violations such as: weeds, garbage, graffiti, litter, junk, debris, illegal signs, discarded furniture, discarded appliances and inoperative vehicles.

How do I contact Code Enforcement?

Code Enforcement may be reached by:
Phone: (925) 625-7031