How do I notify the City about a possible code violation?
The easiest way to report a possible code violation is to file a complaint online via the City’s OnDemand app (also available on Apple and Android devices). You can also email us at or call us at (925) 625-7031. Please be prepared with specific information such as the address of the property, details of the situation and the length of time you have observed the situation. All complaints are anonymous. Please note that leaving a contact number or email is recommended in the event we need to follow p with you regarding your complaint. If no contact information is provided, and there is insufficient information regarding the violation, a case may not be generated.
City staff responds to all code enforcement complaints. We will visit the property in question, determine if there is a violation, and document the situation. Situations that appear to pose a serious risk to health and safety are given the highest priority. If a violation does exist, we will send out a Notice of Violation with a due date for compliance. Typically, the majority of cases are remedied by the due date. Depending on the seriousness and nature of the violation, a second Notice of Violation may be issued or in severe cases, an Administrative Citation will be issued.
What should I do if I receive a “Notice of Violation”?
A Notice of Violation is NOT a citation. It is a notice to make you aware that you have a violation and includes instructions on how to correct the violation during the specified window of time. The City is looking for voluntary compliance and is willing to work with you to resolve the issue. To that end, Code Enforcement welcomes questions and may consider extensions upon request with the goal of compliance.
How much time do I have to correct my violation?
In most situations, if a violation is present, the owner will have 10 calendar days to correct the violation. You are encouraged to contact the code enforcement staff as soon as you receive the notice in order to confirm a timeline for compliance.
How do I contact the Code Enforcement Division?
The easiest way to report a possible code violation is to file a complaint online via the City’s OnDemand app (also available on Apple and Android devices). You may call us at (925) 625-7031 or email
What penalties may result from failure to remedy code violations?
In almost all cases the individual responsible for the code violation is given the opportunity to correct the situation and comply with current codes without a penalty. If the correction is not made, the individual may be subject to fines and other penalties.
What is the governing authority concerning Residential Code Compliance?
Though the entire Oakley Municipal Code (OMC) applies to residential properties, the primary Code applicable to residential areas is “OMC Chapter 4.29, Neighborhood Preservation.” There you will find the most common property maintenance standards applicable to residents living in Oakley.
Who is ultimately responsible for complying with the Code?
The Property Owner is ultimately responsible for ensuring compliance.
What are the most common violations?
Though not listed in any order, the most common violations are Overgrown Weeds, Trash and Debris, Lack of Landscaping (Bare Dirt), Performing Major Automotive Repairs in Public View, Inoperable Vehicles, and Parking on Unimproved Surfaces. Other violations occurring in residential areas are Personal Property in Public View (Appliances or Furniture left outside), Basketball Hoops blocking the street or sidewalk, and Garbage Cans out greater than 24 hours before and after scheduled pick up.
- Up to two RVs and Boats ARE allowed in a legally established driveway. They are NOT allowed on an unimproved surface nor are they allowed on City streets without a temporary permit.
- Unlicensed and Unregistered Vehicles in public view on private property are NOT in violation.
- Neighboring trees overhanging property lines are NOT violations. This is a civil matter between two private citizens.
Who do I call to report an abandoned vehicle or RV parked on the City Street?
The easiest way to report a possible abandoned vehicle or RV parking on the City street is to file a complaint online via the City’s OnDemand app (also available on Apple and Android devices). You may also call Parking Enforcement at 925-625-8060 and select “Police – Parking on the Street.”
My neighbor’s dog won’t stop barking, who do I call?
Call Animal Control at 925-608-8400.
Am I required to have Garbage Service?
Yes. Garbage service is mandatory. Contact Mount Diablo Resource Recovery at 925-682-9113.
I would like to build a Privacy Fence in my front yard. Are there restrictions?
Yes. When performing any work in your front yard there are “Setback” requirements. Do not build any permanent fence or structure without first contacting the Planning Department at 925-625-7000.
I would like install concrete in my front yard area. Is this allowed?
Yes, subject to Zoning regulations. In order to avoid a potential violation and costly repair or removal, please contact the Planning Division at 925-625-7000 before beginning any work. You can also review Planning’s handout titled, “A Helping Hand with Home Projects.”
City of Oakley abatement procedures require the property owner be held responsible for any violations that exist on their property. This is why correspondence is directed to the property owner as well as known tenants. (You can update the property owner mailing address with the Contra Costa County Assessor.) All fines or penalties are levied against the property and may be recorded on the tax role. Tenant generated violations are difficult because the property owner often does not have immediate access to correct the problem. It is therefore strongly advised that a landlord regularly monitor their properties for changes and violations.