April 28, 2015



 Tuesday, April 28, 2015

6:30 p.m.

Oakley City Council Chambers

3231 Main Street, Oakley, CA

MISSION STATEMENT: The City of Oakley exists to build and enhance a quality community and to serve the public in a friendly, efficient, responsive manner.

VISION STATEMENT: The City of Oakley will be recognized as a model of civic participation and a vibrant delta community where families live, work, play, shop and visit.

Agendas are posted in Oakley at Oakley City Hall-3231 Main Street, outside the gym at Delta Vista Middle School-4901 Frank Hengel Way and outside the Library at Freedom High School-1050 Neroly Road; agendas are also posted on the City’s Internet Website www.ci.oakley.ca.us.

A complete packet of information containing staff reports and exhibits related to each item is available for public review prior to an Oakley City Council and/or City Council Acting as the Successor Agency to the Oakley Redevelopment Agency meeting at Oakley City Hall, 3231 Main Street, Oakley, CA 94561. Any writings or documents provided to a majority of the Oakley City Council or Oakley City Council Acting as the Successor Agency to the Oakley Redevelopment Agency regarding any item on this agenda will be made available for public inspection, during regular business hours, at the front counter in the Main Lobby of the Oakley City Hall located at 3231 Main Street, Oakley, CA 94561.

Agendas may be picked up at the Oakley City Hall located at 3231 Main Street, Oakley, CA 94561 for no charge. To request information regarding placement on the City’s agenda e-mail distribution list, contact the Receptionist at (925) 625-7000.

If you have a physically challenging condition and require special accommodations, please call the City Clerk’s office at (925) 625-7013.

(Please keep cell phones/pagers turned off during the meeting.)


 Oakley City Council/Oakley City Council Acting as the Successor Agency to the Oakley Redevelopment Agency

 1.1   Call to Order and Roll Call of the Oakley City Council and Oakley City Council Acting as the Successor Agency to the Oakley Redevelopment Agency

 1.2   Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag

 1.3   Proclamation Recognizing May 3-9 as Municipal Clerks Week (Libby Vreonis, City Clerk)

 1.4    Award Presentation to the City of Oakley for its Outstanding Contribution to Tobacco Prevention (Mary Jaccodine, Co-Chair of the Contra Costa Tobacco Prevention Coalition)

 1.5    “Stand Down” Presentation (J.R. Wilson, Delta Veterans and Randy Smith, Oakley Veterans)

 1.6    Update from the Oakley Library (Andrea Freyler, Acting Community Library Manager)

 1.7    Update from Diablo Water District (Mike Yeraka, General Manager)

 1.8    Update from Contra Costa Water District (Connstance Holdaway, Director Division 5 and Jeff Quimby, Director of Planning)


At this time, the public is permitted to address the Oakley City Council/Oakley City Council Acting as the Successor Agency to the Oakley Redevelopment Agency on non-agendized items.  PUBLIC COMMENTS ARE LIMITED TO THREE (3) MINUTES.  In accordance with State Law, however, no action or discussion may take place on any item not appearing on the posted agenda.  The Oakley City Council/ Oakley City Council Acting as the Successor Agency to the Oakley Redevelopment Agency may respond to statements made or questions asked or may request Staff to report back at a future meeting on the matter. The exceptions under which the Oakley City Council/Oakley City Council Acting as the Successor Agency to the Oakley Redevelopment Agency MAY discuss and/or take action on items not appearing on the agenda are contained in Government Code §54954.2(b)(1)(2)(3).  Members of the public should submit any Speaker Cards for Public Comments in advance of the Mayor calling for Public Comments.


Consent Calendar items are typically non-controversial in nature and are considered for approval by the Oakley City Council/ Oakley City Council Acting as the Successor Agency to the Oakley Redevelopment Agency with one single action.  Members of the audience, Staff or the Oakley City Council/ Oakley City Council Acting as the Successor Agency to the Oakley Redevelopment Agency who would like an item removed from the Consent Calendar for purposes of public input may request the Mayor remove the item.  Members of the public should submit any Speaker Cards related to the Consent Calendar in advance of the Consent Calendar being considered.

Oakley City Council/Oakley City Council Acting as the Successor Agency to the Oakley Redevelopment Agency

 3.1   Approve the Minutes of the Regular Joint Oakley City Council/Oakley City Council Acting as the Successor Agency to the Oakley Redevelopment Agency Meeting held April 14, 2015 (Libby Vreonis, City Clerk)

 Oakley City Council

 3.2    Adopt a Resolution Approving Contract Amendment Number 1 to the Agreements with Engeo, Inc. and Kleinfelder West, Inc. for On-Call Materials Testing Services Related to Private Development and Capital Improvement Projects (Kevin Rohani, Public Works Director/City Engineer)

 3.3    Adopt Resolutions Approving the Subdivision Improvement Agreement with Brookfield Emerson Land LLC for Subdivision 9032 Emerson Ranch Neighborhood 1 and Authorizing the City Manager to Sign the Agreement and Approving the Final Map of Subdivision 9032 Emerson Ranch Neighborhood 1 located at the northwest corner of Cypress Road and Sellers Avenue (Kevin Rohani, Public Works Director/City Engineer)

 3.4   Adopt Resolutions Approving the Subdivision Improvement Agreement with Brookfield Emerson Land LLC for Subdivision 9348 Emerson Ranch Neighborhood 2B and Authorizing the City Manager to Sign the Agreement and Approving the Final Map of Subdivision 9348 Emerson Ranch Neighborhood 2B located at the northwest corner of Cypress Road and Sellers Avenue (Kevin Rohani, Public Works Director/City Engineer)

 Oakley City Council/Oakley City Council Acting as the Successor Agency to the Oakley Redevelopment Agency

 3.5    Adopt a Resolution Authorizing the City Manager to Execute a Month-to-Month Lease Agreement with Guanatos Ice Cream at the Property Located at 3330 Main Street in Oakley (Dwayne Dalman, Economic Development Manager)


4.1   Resolution Establishing and Updating Certain City Fees (Paul Abelson, Finance Director)

 Staff recommendation:

  • Open the Public Hearing
  • Receive the Staff Report
  • Receive Public Testimony
  • Close the Public Hearing
  • Deliberate
  • Summarize the Deliberation
  • Specify to Staff any amendments to the Resolution during Motion
  • Adopt the Resolution

4.2   Delta Grinding Contractor’s Yard- Design Review Request to Establish a Contractor’s Yard at 5245 Live Oak Avenue (DR 01-15) (Joshua McMurray, Planning Manager)

 Staff recommendation:

  • Open the Public Hearing
  • Receive the Staff Report
  • Receive Public Testimony
  • Close the Public Hearing
  • Deliberate
  • Summarize the Deliberation
  • Specify to Staff any amendments to the Resolution during Motion
  • Adopt the Resolution

4.3    Request by Diamond Hills Sports Club and Spa for a Modification to its Conditional Use Permit (PC Reso 13-07) to Allow for Outdoor Events (Joshua McMurray, Planning Manager)

Staff recommendation:

  • Open the Public Hearing
  • Receive the Staff Report
  • Receive Public Testimony
  • Close the Public Hearing
  • Deliberate
  • Summarize the Deliberation
  • Specify to Staff any amendments to the Resolution during Motion
  • Adopt the Resolution


 Oakley City Council

 5.1    Waive the First Reading and Introduce an Ordinance Establishing the City’s Police Department (William Galstan, Special Counsel)

 5.2    Jalisco’s Restaurant Color Change and Awnings Design Review (DR 04-15) (Ken Strelo, Senior Planner)

 5.3    Adopt a Resolution Appointing a Representative to the Contra Costa Council on Aging Citizens Advisory Committee (Libby Vreonis, City Clerk)



 City Manager


 (a)    Reports from Council Liaisons to Regional Committees, Commissions and Boards AND Oakley City Council/Oakley City Council Acting as the Successor Agency to the Oakley Redevelopment Agency Comments

 (b)   Requests for Future Agendas


7.1       Emerson Ranch Neighborhood 6 Work Session (Ken Strelo, Senior Planner)

This is a work session on an application submitted by Mike Evans of DeNova Homes requesting approval of Emerson Ranch Neighborhood 6, including 1) a General Plan Amendment to designate approximately 16 acres of an existing approximately 25 acre undeveloped commercial site from “Commercial” to “Multi-Family, Low”, 2) a Rezone to amend a Planned Development (P-1) District, 3) a Vesting Tentative Map to subdivide approximately 16 acres into 105 single family lots with associated improvements, and 4) a Final Development Plan for the portion of the P-1 District modified by the tentative map.