4.3 3530 Main Street (APN 037-160-023)-Applicant is requesting to 1) Modify Conditions of Approval #30 and #31 of Resolution No. 04-17 approved on January 10, 2017 for Design Review (DR 03-16) and Variance (VA 02-16) dealing with annexing into the City of Oakley Community Facilities District and funding to maintain Police Services; 2), Amend the Real Property Purchase Agreement dated June 28, 2016 and modified January 10, 2017 which would extend the project completion date from September 1, 2017 to November 30, 2017; and 3) a request to waive the $2,000 Developer Deposit required to process this Application. (Joshua McMurray, Planning Manager)
The Twin Oaks Senior Apartments project, located just east of Oakley Town Center (Lucky shopping center), is a private development, mixed-use, affordable senior housing apartment complex. For those interested in leasing a unit, please visit the Twin Oaks Senior Apartments website at: https://twinoakssenior.com. Please note that City of Oakley Staff are unable to answer questions related to applying for potential residency.