This page contains documents related to California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). The documents are categorized with their respective projects.
Pending Projects
Stonecreek Subdivision 9647 (TM 02-23)
- Stonecreek Subdivision 9647 – Notice of Intent to Adopt Mitigated Negative Declaration
- Stonecreek Subdivision 9647 – Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration
Oakley Shops at Laurel Fields Tentative Parcel Map, Conditional Use Permit, Variance, and Design Review (TPM 01-24, CUP 01-24, VA 01-24, DR 02-24)
- Oakley Shops at Laurel Fields Project – Notice of Intent to Adopt a Mitigated Negative Declaration
- Oakley Shops at Laurel Fields Project – Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration
Bridgehead Industrial Project (GPA 02-23, RZ 04-23, TM 10-23, DR 11-23, MSP 01-23)
East Cypress Corridor Specific Plan Project (ECCSP) Subsequent Environmental Impact Report (SEIR)
The Village at 2092 Oakley Road (GPA 01-22, RZ 03-22, FDP 01-22, TM 04-22, DR 07-22)
- The Village at 2092 Oakley Road – Notice of Intent to Adopt a Mitigated Negative Declaration
- The Village at 2092 Oakley Road – Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration
Approved Projects
Planning Area 6-H Subdivision 9636 (East Cypress Corridor Specific Plan) Tentative Map (TM 01-23)
Machado Lane Subdivision (RZ 06-21, TM 03-21, FDP 01-21, DR 10-21)
- Machado Lane Subdivision – Notice of Intent to Adopt a Mitigated Negative Declaration
- Machado Lane Subdivision – Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration
Sellers Avenue Subdivision (RZ 01-22, TM 01-22, FDP 01-22, DR 01-22)
- Sellers Avenue Subdivision – Notice of Intent to Adopt a Mitigated Negative Declaration
- Sellers Avenue Subdivision – Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration
Honey Creekside Subdivision 9579 (RZ 03-21, TM 03-21, DR 08-21)
- Honey Creekside Subdivision 9579 – Notice of Intent to Adopt a Mitigated Negative Declaration
- Honey Creekside Subdivision 9579 – Initial Study
CR-A (Commercial Recreation-Aquatic) District Zoning Text Amendment (RZ 02-21)
Oakley Village Subdivision 9577 (TM 05-20)
- Oakley Village Subdivision 9577 – Notice of Intent to Adopt a Mitigated Negative Declaration
- Oakley Village Subdivision 9577 – Initial Study
Oakley Focused General Plan Update
- Notice of Intent to Adopt a Negative Declaration – Oakley Focused General Plan Update
- Initial Study – Oakley Focused General Plan Update
- Notice of Determination – Oakley Focused General Plan Update (County Clerk Stamped 01/12/2022)
Burroughs Rezone (RZ 01-21) and Tentative Map (TM 01-21)
Lesher Amended Vesting Tentative Map 9404 (TM 04-20)
Bethel Island LLC Amended Vesting Tentative Map 9156 (TM 03-20)
2480 Oakley Road Residential Development Project (GPA 01-19, RZ 01-19, TM 01-19, DR 04-19)
- Notice of Intent to Adopt a Mitigated Negative Declaration (2480 Oakley Road Residential Development Project)
- Initial Study (with appendices) – 2480 Oakley Road Residential Development Project
- Responses to Comments Letter
- Mitigation Monitoring Program
Acacia General Plan Amendment (GPA 03-18), Rezone (RZ 07-18), Tentative Map (TM 04-18) and Design Review (DR 11-18), Design Review (DR 12-18)
Acacia Notice of Intent to Adopt a Mitigated Negative Declaration
Oakley Logistics Center – General Plan Amendment (GP 04-18), Rezone (RZ 08-18), Vesting Tentative Map (TM 05-18) and Development Agreement (DA 01-18)
Oakley Logistics Center Draft EIR (1 of 2)
Oakley Logistics Center Draft EIR (2 of 2)
Oakley Logistics Center Final EIR (1 of 2)
Oakley Logistics Center Final EIR (2 of 2)
Oakley Logistics Center – Development Agreement (DA 01-18), General Plan Amendment (GP 04-18), Rezone (RZ 08-18), Tentative Map (05-18) and Design Review (DR 12-18)
Oakley Logistics Center Initial Study
Twin Oaks Senior Residence Mixed Use Project (CUP 02-19, DR 07-19, DBA 01-19)
Twin Oaks Senior Residence Mixed Use Project Initial Study and Mitigated Negative Declaration
The Appendices to the Initial Study will be made available upon request. Please contact the Oakley Planning Division at (925) 625-7000 or email to request one or more of the appendices be emailed.
The Vines at Oakley (Subdivision 9507) General Plan Amendment (GPA 05-18), Rezone (RZ 09-18), Tentative Map (TM 06-18), and Design Review (DR 13-18)
The Vines at Oakley Notice of Intent to Adopt a Mitigated Negative Declaration
The Vines at Oakley (Subdivision 9507) IS/MND
- App A_CEQA_ISMND_TheVinesatOakley_Land Evaulation and Site Assessment Model
- App B_CEQA_ISMND_TheVinesatOakley_AQ-GHG Supporting Info
- App C_CEQA_ISMND_TheVinesatOakley_Bio Resources Supporting Info
- App D_CEQA_ISMND_TheVinesatOakley_Cultural Resources Supporting Info_reduced size
- App E_CEQA_ISMND_TheVinesatOakley_Noise Supporting Info
- App F_CEQA_ISMND_TheVinesatOakley_Traffic Impact Study
The Vines at Oakley Subdivision 9507 – CEQA Response to Comments
The Vines at Oakley Subdivision 9507 – CEQA Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program
The Village at Main General Plan Amendment (GPA 02-18), Rezone (RZ 05-18), Tentative Map (TM 03-18) and Design Review (DR 06-18)
The Village at Main Street IS/MND
Emerson Ranch Subdivision 9032
Emerson Property DEIR APP A – C
Partially Recirculated Draft EIR
Partially Recirculated Draft EIR Appendices
River Oaks Crossing Specific Plan
River Oaks Crossing Specific Plan Draft EIR
River Oaks Crossing Specific Plan Final EIR
Oakley Downtown Specific Plan
Downtown Specific Plan Draft EIR
Downtown Specific Plan Final EIR
East Cypress Corridor Specific Plan – Visit the project page here.
Westerly Annexation
Westerly Annexation Mitigated Negative Declaration
Westerly Annexation Mitigation and Monitoring Program
Gilbert Subdivision 9033
Cypress Self Storage (GPA 03-15, RZ 05-15, DR 12-15)
Cypress Self Storage CEQA Notice of Intent to Adopt a Negative Declaration