How do I learn more about garage sale regulations?
- Residents are limited to three (3) garage or yard sales per year. Each occurrence may not exceed three (3) consecutive days and must be conducted during daylight hours only.
- Garage sale signs and directional information must be removed at the conclusion of the event by the resident conducting the sale.
- All sale items must be removed from public view at the conclusion of the event.
- Signs announcing sales may NOT be posted in the public right-of-way or on any public property (this includes streets, landscaped medians, landscaped strips along roadways, on telephone poles, power poles, street lights, street signs, City trees, or on sidewalks or curbs);
- Signs, up to a maximum of four (4) square feet, may be placed on the site of the sale or on other private property WITH permission of the property owner; and
- All signs must be removed at the conclusion of the sale. Any signs placed on utility poles, traffic lights, traffic signs, street signs, fire hydrants or trees will be removed and the cost for removal and any damage caused by the sign will be charged to the person sponsoring the garage sale.
- There have been many instances of signs illegally placed on public property and not even removed afterwards. Be advised, that Code Enforcement Officers can cite you for illegally posted signs and can charge you the cost of recovery and any damage caused to City property. The irony of the illegal signs is that the violator is guiding Code Enforcement to his or her address.